Clean Fuel - Hydrogen (अंग्रेजी में)

Recently a technology to generate hydrogen fuel from water at low cost has been developed by researchers from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. This is an important step in the ongoing efforts to find cleaner and greener energy sources around the world. Hydrogen gas is a viable alternative to fossil fuels as a renewable alternative and can help reduce emissions to reduce pollution. About Clean Fuel Hydrogen:- Researchers at IIT Delhi have successfully split water by a process known as the sulphur-iodine (SI) thermochemical hydrogen cycle (SI CYCLE) to generate low-cost, clean hydrogen fuel for industrial consumption. In general the separation of hydrogen from oxygen in SI CYCLE requires a higher amount of heating than non-renewable sources such as coal, oil, natural gas. This makes mass production of hydrogen gas economically unviable and environmentally friendly. The development of suitable catalyst designs as a corrosive step for the conversion...